USD 24,000 per night hotel room
Some of the £13,000 per night suites come complete with a gold-leaf 18-seat dining table and others a glass wall into a giant fish tank holding some 65,000 fish, stingrays and other sea creatures.
It is all part of the £800million Atlantis Hotel the latest word in Gulf excess which will also be home to the world's tallest skyscraper.
Alan Leibman, of hotel owners Kerzner International said: "Atlantis, The Palm is an entertainment destination that is truly different than anything that currently exists in the resort category in the region.
"We know we are giving people unparalleled experiences new to the Middle East."
The 113-acre resort on an artificial island off the Persian Gulf coast is modeled on a sister resort in the Bahamas, is on ocean-themed family entertainment.
On their website the hotel boasts: "From the moment of arrival, you’re immersed in a dazzling world of imagination, pleasure and luxury.
"To stay or visit is to live out your dreams amidst warm Arabian seas." Via

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